Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Post-It Book

I've been putting assembling my post-it book off for awhile now but seeing some of the doodles again has motivated me to continue and hopefully finish this off one day. But for now, here's what it's looking like so far.

Always Posting

Last year I had the privilege to take a class at The Animation Collaborative, which is literally across the street from Pixar Animation Studios. My instructors were of course animators at Pixar. Lots of wisdom and knowledge from those guys. But I'm getting a little side-tracked. Anyways, on the plane ride back home to GA, couldn't help but use the handy post-it notes.

Life Drawing and Sketches

Here are a few sketches from a life drawing event I attended, not sure how long ago but it was creatively awesome nonetheless. Some of the non-life-drawings are just ways to experiment with line-work. So many pros make it look so effortless and easy. Remember, practice makes perfect.
This drawing is of a friend who is related to a cousin of a cousin. Confusing right?

My Workspace

This is my Disney animation desk. Most of the work done on it is where my sketches, thumbnails and planning all happen. Unfortunately, the creative stuff done on it is all geared towards 3D character animation work, which happens to be the table next to it. I'll get the courage one day to do hand drawn animation on this beauty. But for now, here's some info on it.

I started looking for this specific desk back in the spring of 2010. Little did I know at the time, these desks are RARE and finding one was very hard. I even emailed around if anyone knew where I could get one but to no avail. Luckily, there's Google Alert! You type in specific key search words (in my case, "disney, animation, desk") and every time someone posts something on the internet that contains those words, Google will send you an email alerting you. About 8 months later in Jan. 2011, I received an alert about a post of someone selling their animation desk. It was from an ex-Disney clean-up artist, Jacque Pierro. She was very kind and helpful in selling her desk to me. Before the desk was shipped out, I asked her if she could carve her name behind the drawing board to keep this tradition my animation professor (who also worked at Disney as a supervising animator) in college once told me. He said that some of the great animators at Disney would carve their names on the desk so that future animators would know which great artist previously worked on that very desk. Of course, she was flattered and honored to do so. It was almost a surreal experience after spending so much time researching all about the desk online to finally owning one.

Gorilla Bully!

This is a character design piece I started back in college which involved a school of students that had animal attributes. The one that stuck the most was this gorilla bully. He has arms like Popeye and a gorilla-type body with red hair and a low-brow expression. Man, I do miss art school sometimes.

Here are three viz dev pieces for a short film idea I once had but lost its momentum. Nevertheless, there's something great about Paris at night. It's still a dream of mine to visit France one day. But for now, this is as close as I can get.


Tennis outfit design I had when I was watching some friends practice tennis.

Sometimes you just want to put your name on your tennis shoes so no one else tries to steal them. And maybe cut the tongue of your shoes and give your feet some breathing room when you play tennis. Well, maybe that's just me.